The Challenge

Various factors limit the operations and decrease visibility in today´s enterprise and service provider networks. Hybrid and Cloud architecture increase agility, but limit control in return. Encryption is important, disguises the visibility however of good and bad activities. The analytics of data should be maintained as volume increases and infrastructure becomes more complex.

With ExtraHop, NetDescribe offers a technology that automatically classifies over 50 protocols down to L7 and performs a behavior-based analysis of network traffic using machine learning. Network and security threats are displayed in an informative manner and actions to be taken for security-relevant events are recommended.


ExtraHop Reveal(x) – the Solution from NetDescribe

With a 3 in 1 workflow, optimized for identification, correlation and analysis, ExtraHop Reveal(x) focuses on the highest risk and reduces the reaction time in case of a limit-exposition.

Unusual activity, which may relate to a threat can be identified early and corrective actions can be taken before the company is harmed. Instead of the time-consuming manual collection and analysis of data, ExtraHop Reveal(x) provides real-time insights and rapid root cause locating. Global search and indices allow immediate access to relevant security information.

ExtraHop Reveal(x)

  • provides an analysis for the total network traffic
  • identifies in real-time the encrypted traffic, Rogue-nodes, IoT- and BYOD-devices
  • manages over 40 protocols , decrypts SSL and PFS-traffic (Perfect Forward Secrecy)
  • recognizes connected devices and automatically classifies them
  • does not require an agent on endpoints
  • passively monitors traffic, using port mirroring, TAPs or packet brokers

  • Auto Discovery function for systems and applications
  • Web User Interface with global search and for ad-hoc requests
  • Real time analysis
  • Anomaly Detection Machine Learning Technologie
  • Support of Public Cloud environments
  • API´s: Palo Alto, ServiceNow, Splunk, Cisco etc. possible
  • Web User Interface with global search and packet analysis

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ExtraHop Network Detection & Response (NDR) explained in 90 seconds!

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