The Challenge

Too many products – too many warnings – too few staff!
As a company, you are trying to protect your data with more and more endpoint agents. It’s not uncommon to have six to eight security agents installed in parallel. Your existing tools are constantly producing alerts. But how are you supposed to identify and prioritize really important alerts? Qualified IT staff and security experts are needed. But they are hard to find.


SentinelOne – the Solution from NetDescribe

The SentinelOne Endpoint Protection Platform combines prevention, detection and response in a single, purpose-built agent that leverages machine learning and automation. It provides prevention and detection of attacks across all major vectors, rapid threat elimination with fully automated, policy-driven response capabilities and complete visibility into the endpoint environment with full context and real-time forensics.

SentinelOne is a standardized, specially developed XDR platform with support for all Windows versions from XP onwards, more than ten Linux variants and Apple macOS.

No time delay
Detection and reaction take place in real time. SentinelOne’s patented technology links all processes and indexes all activity in a storyline locally on the agent – in real time.

Permanent support
Analysts can identify problems faster and focus on what’s important instead of wasting time looking for a needle in a haystack.

Fewer alerts
Attacks are averted in real time. This reduces overall risk and prevents the “alert fatigue” that is all too common with other EDR products.


  • Autonomous multi-layered prevention that covers all attack vectors, even offline.
  • Machine learning technology that does not rely on signatures and does not require daily/weekly updates or repetitive scans.
  • Mitigates the entire content of malicious activity – reduces time and cost to clean infected systems.
  • Provides the right forensics. Blocking is not enough. Customers need to know where the threat came from and what the attacker was trying to do.


  • Cross-platform visibility to the endpoints – we go beyond the limits of EPP and XDR with additional possibilities such as “IT hygiene” of the data.
  • Visibility into encrypted traffic – because all users are exposed to phishing and 70% of internet traffic is encrypted.
  • Visibility in all applications and running processes.

Simplicity – one agent provides all features

  • EPP
  • EDR/ XDR
  • HIPS
  • Data security monitoring
  • Vulnerability/risk management
  • Managed console hosted in the cloud, on-premise or in a hybrid model

Greater efficiency, less impact on the system and an optimal experience for the end user.


  • Built with an API-first approach, the SentinelOne platform has integrations with SonicWall, Fortinet, Splunk, QRadar, LogRhythm, Demisto, Phantom and even Alexa, just to name a few!
  • Automatically isolate infected devices and immunize the rest of the endpoint inventory.
  • Recover files in the highly unlikely event of ransomware. With 44% of organizations having faced ransomware infections in the last 12 months, recovery and rollback is a practical feature.

With SentinelOne XDR technology, everyone from experienced SOC analysts to newly established security teams can automatically remediate threats and defend against advanced attacks. This technology not only allows security teams to focus on the most important alerts, but also relieves them of tasks that previously could only be done by humans.

Our UseCases are only available in German. If you are interested in further information, we are happy to assist you personally. Please do not hesitate to contact us directly.

Endpoint Detection & Response with SentinelOne

Our customer from the automotive supplier industry asked NetDescribe to replace a legacy antivirus program and ensure 24/7 monitoring. IT specialists have been dealing with the topic of endpoint security for decades. Normally, the signature of a new malicious code is recognized by most antivirus programs. Corresponding rules are installed by the respective manufacturers to protect customers from malware. In this scenario, however, the IT teams are the permanent hunted. They have to recognize the attackers’ new methods in order to protect themselves against them – around the clock. But what about malware that nobody knows about yet – so-called zero days? Read more in our UseCase Endpoint Detection & Response mit SentinelOne

NetDescribe SentinelOne Paladin Experts

SentinelOne Paladin

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